New eVscope for the community

The Kaikōura Community can now enjoy the wonders of the night sky through our very own digital  “eVscope” which was showcased to a small and enthusiastic crowd at the free community stargazing evening on Friday 25th August at Hapuku School.

The scope has been kindly sponsored by Destination Kaikōura, who are thrilled to be able to support the great work that the Kaikōura Dark Sky Trust are doing in moving toward Kaikōura becoming an International Dark Sky Sanctuary. Being able to provide a community “eVscope” provides more opportunities for night sky viewing especially to larger groups.  It is fantastic to have the Kaikōura Lions Club come alongside and sponsor two touchpads for controlling the scope.  Kevin Smith, President of the Kaikoura Lions Club, said “it is brilliant to have the digital world involved and it combines so well with the traditional visual telescope”. 

It’s easy to use, anyone can control it through the touch pads, or even mobile phones. You choose a night sky object you would like to view, the scope moves itself, takes a photo which is then shown and saved on all connected screens. Brian Horsfall, owner of a traditional telescope, feels that if he’d had access to this kind of technology when he was younger he would have probably chosen a different career path.  The new scope will be used alongside Brian’s traditional telescope for the monthly community stargazing evenings, smaller gatherings on request and for local school visits. 

Nicky McArthur, Chair of the Trust, said “It is fantastic to see new technology playing its part for inspirational night sky viewing opportunities, especially for easy engagement with our tamariki and interested community members. Being able to join in with up to 10 people at once with the new scope certainly ensures plenty of great interaction”.  

The next free community stargazing evening will be Friday 22nd September from after sunset at Hapuku School.

Read full article here.

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Thank you to all our supporters who have kindly provided free ongoing services & advice or have generously donated funds. You are amazing and the stars will shine a little brighter because of you.

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