Kaikōura Dark Sky EXPO

Come along to our EXPO from the 22nd to 28th May 2023 in the Exhibition Suite at the Mayfair Theatre and learn all about our proposed International Dark Sky Sancutary.

Open daily from 10.30am until the theatre closes to wander at your lesuire and enjoy the display posters and activities. (Schools and community groups will be invited to explore throughout the week.)

Mon 22nd to Fri 26th May – from 7pm enjoy telescopic stagazing from Starlight Balcony (weather permitting)

Mon 22nd to Fri 26th May – from 5.45pm each evening we will be presenting a variety of free community talks and presentations throughout the week with refreshments afterwards. Stargazing from 7pm. See the programme below and follow our facebook posts for further information.

Our Supporters

Thank you to all our supporters who have kindly provided free ongoing services & advice or have generously donated funds. You are amazing and the stars will shine a little brighter because of you.

Kaikoura NZ
Puhi Peaks Kaikoura
Kaikoura District Library - Kaikoura District Council
Logo - Encounter Foundation
Department of Conservation