The Proposed Private Plan Change

Help Kaikōura become a Dark Sky Sanctuary & Community – The Dark Sky Plan Change 

The Kaikōura Dark Sky Trust (Trust) is about to apply to the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) to certify the Kaikōura District as an International Dark Sky Sanctuary (IDSS)and Dark Sky Community (IDSC) which will bring environmental, social, economic and cultural benefits to the people in our district. 

Managing light pollution better will help us

Light pollution is the biggest problem and in order to protect our night sky we need to make sure outdoor lighting is ‘managed’ in the district. 

Why is a change to the District Plan required? 

The Kaikōura District Plan is a public document that guides how we manage activities and environmental impacts (like outdoor lighting) in our district. District plans are reviewed approximately every ten years, but councils or individuals/groups can initiate ‘plan changes’ between the major reviews. This helps keep the plan current and respond to opportunities like the dark sky certification. 

The current district plan provisions do not address light pollution that affects the brightness and clarity of the night sky. The current provisions also do not meet IDA requirements for dark sky sanctuary certification. 

The Trust would like to add and change some objectives, policies, and rules (collectively called ‘provisions’) in the Kaikōura District Plan so light pollution can be managed better. 

What has happened to date in the process?

In 2023 the Trust proposed: 

  • the changes that need to make to the district plan, and  
  • provided a report (s32 of the RMA) that explains the reasoning behind the proposed changes and considers costs and benefits.

In January 2024 the proposed plan change was adopted by Kaikōura District Council. This plan change will be publicly notified from the 14th March until the 19th April 2024 and anyone can make a submission.

The proposal may be Inspected at:

  • The Kaikoura District Council webpage: https://www.kaikoura.govt. nz/council/public-notices
  • The Kaikoura District Council reception – 2nd Floor, 96 West End
  • Kaikoura Library – 1st floor, 96 West End
  • A paper copy of the Proposed Plan change is available from the Kaikoura District Council reception at a cost of $1.00 per page for colour and 20c per page for black & white
  • The documents can be downloaded free of charge from the Kaikoura District Council website at

Making a Submission:

Downloadable submission forms can be found at https://www.kaikoura. You may make a submission by posting to the Kaikoura District Council at the following address: Plan Change 5 , PO Box 6, 96 West End, Kaikoura, 7300. Or by email at Or in person to Kaikoura District Council reception 2nd Floor, 96 West End, Kaikoura.

The closing date for submissions is 5pm 19th April 2024

At a later date, all submissions received will be summarised and published. Further Submissions will then be invited, allowing any person or organisation to support or oppose any of the initial submissions. A Council hearing will then be arranged to consider all submissions, after which the Council will decide whether to reject or approve the Plan Change. Any submitter who is not satisfied with the Counc

Our Supporters

Thank you to all our supporters who have kindly provided free ongoing services & advice or have generously donated funds. You are amazing and the stars will shine a little brighter because of you.

Kaikoura NZ
Puhi Peaks Kaikoura
Kaikoura District Library - Kaikoura District Council
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Department of Conservation