Update August 2024
To meet Dark Sky International (DSI) outdoor lighting standards, updates to the existing Kaikoura lighting provisions were needed. The necessary process is nearly complete, and we expect the update provisions to be fully enforced in late 2024.
Here with the process carried out to date:
Resource Management Act Under the Resource Management Act (RMA) (1991) Council is required to produce a District Plan, setting out a framework for managing land use and development within the District (Section 73). District Plans must state objectives, policies and rules on planning matters for the District (Section 75) and cover outdoor lighting and signage. Resource Management Act Weblink.
Kahu Environmental In late 2022 the Kaikōura Dark Sky Trust (Trust) paid for the professional services of planning consultants, Kahu Environmental (Kahu) who had previously assisted the Wairarapa Dark Sky Reserve to meet DSI guidelines. Kahu completed a full assessment of the Kaikōura Council’s District Plan and developed the necessary updates to the outdoor lighting provisions to meet both IDSS and IDSC requirements and to shepherd these through the statutory steps required for acceptance and formal approval.
Consultation period Kahu consulted with key stakeholders and the Trust engaged directly with the local community and ran a 2 week long Dark Sky EXPO in May 2023
Section 32 evaluation report Kahu prepared a companion explanatory document (Section 32 evaluation report) explaining the proposed technical changes, reasons for the changes and the consultation process carried out. Section 32 report weblink
Recommended lighting provisions adopted by Council In accordance with Clause 5 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991, the proposed private plan change was presented on the 31 January 2024 to the Kaikōura District Council (Mayor and Councillors for the community of Kaikōura). Council unanimously resolved to adopt the changes. The changes will ensure the darkness of the night sky is maintained and protected by managing over-lighting and regulating the use of artificial lighting in accordance with DSI standards for a Dark Sky Sanctuary.
Submissions Following the Council’s decision to support the proposed Dark Sky Plan Change 5 the local community and stakeholders were invited to make a submission (comment). This opportunity was made available between the 25 March to 19 April and again for further submissions from 2 to 17 May 2024. No further submissions were received. Results: In total, 38 submissions were received. Every submission received was 100% in favour of the new lighting provisions which was a fantastic result.
Section 42a report The Policy Planner and other Council staff have now prepared a S42A report. A hearing will occur in September 2024 composed of three independent Commissioners appointed to review the final report and bring their approvals back to Council (Mayor and Councillors for the community of Kaikōura) in November 2024. Subject to a positive outcome, there will be a 30-working day appeal period before the new lighting provisions will be fully enforced.
Updated outdoor lighting provisions are already operative As there has been no submissions in opposition to the changes, the planning team is already applying weight to the proposed changes ahead of full enforcement so in effect, they have already become operative.